Antisemitism Response Center

A class-leading partnership between AEPi and ADL

The AEPi Antisemitism Response Center

Alpha Epsilon Pi has launched the AEPi Antisemitism Response Center (ARC) with the goal of empowering student leaders and educators with knowledge, skills, and resources to recognize and combat antisemitism as well as provide a centralized system for reporting and tracking antisemitic incidents on college campuses.

Alpha Epsilon Pi, in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has launched the AEPi Antisemitism Response Center (ARC) with the goal of empowering student leaders and educators with knowledge, skills, and resources to recognize and combat antisemitism as well as provide a centralized system for reporting and tracking antisemitic incidents on college campuses.

AEPi ARC Events
Campus Administrator Partners
Engaged Students
Our members are on the front lines of this battle on college campuses. Since AEPi exists in both the Jewish and interfraternity communities on campus, our leaders have an opportunity to educate others about antisemitism and Israel.
Rob Derdiger
CEO, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity

AEPi Students Take Action

AEPi Shines in Darkness

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Make a Donation to the AEPi ARC

Sign Petitions to Protect Jewish Students and Advocate

Read the Latest News and Media Coverage from AEPi

View the Resources for Parents

View the Resources for Students

View the Resources for Campus Administrators

Take the Responding to Antisemitism E-Learning Course

Contact the AEPi ARC Team

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